Who are we?

In their search for a space to exchange about what’s on their mind regarding ecological and climate disruption they found each other. From the wish to make this ‘space’ bigger and share with others Café Klima was born in February 2023.
Since July 2024 Leslie joined to increase the impact and reach of Café Klima.

Fanny, Lina and Leslie - Cafe Klima
Lina, Fanny and Leslie

Fanny is bringing her expertise and knowledge from facilitating workshops like Fresque du Climat, 2tonnes and Futures Proches. Before that, she really enjoyed creating links between people in several jobs : managing a coworking space, animating digital communities and organizing events on sustainable issues. She knows how to make complex matters understandable for everyone and let a group work together. While an ecological lifestyle became an increasingly important part of her life, the space to share it with others remained small/restrained. This drives her to create a space where others feel at ease to share.

Lina a cette rare faculté d’écoute qui change complètement une conversation, cette capacité à poser des questions qui permettent d’aller observer un sujet en profondeur. Elle invite à changer de regard, à penser en dehors des schémas traditionnels, avec une positivité à toute épreuve. Par son expérience de coaching pour accompagner les individus sur le long chemin de l’écologie et de conduite du changement auprès d’entreprises, Lina apporte un regard international, hérité de ses nombreux lieux de vie (Allemagne, Pays-Bas et maintenant le Pays Basque), très complémentaire de par la diversité de ses outils de travail : Carbon Conversations, Communication non violente, Travail systémique, Théorie U, Analyse transactionnelle etc.